Saturday, July 2, 2011

TV 'Glee' and Real-life Glee Club: The Big Difference

With the popularity of the hit TV show "Glee", the so-called underappreciated high school club is finally brought to the spotlight. Not that glee clubs need any help getting on the spotlight, according to a documentary I watched, glee clubs (show choir as it now called) has been around for decades. And now, it's part of most US high school curriculum.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moonlighting: Is it really worth it?

 Having had a lot of setbacks with my money-making methods lately, I decided to find work online where I can work at a more convenient pace. I remembered an office friend referring a site to me for these kind of things. This especially works for web pros like me. I get to bill clients per hour and after computing what I would earn from it, it turns out I could make more here than my current job.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fruit Ninja - The first time I became a "Combo God"

 The Apple Apps Store really has tons of applications that you can buy and enjoy. I particularly like the games. I've already written a post about one of my fave games on my iPod Touch and now here's another one. You guessed it - Fruit Ninja.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Plant vs Zombies Updated with Zen Garden and more

It's been a while since I've written a post. And what best way to do it but with a write up about my favorite game on the iPod Touch - Plants vs Zombies.

One of the biggest things on my wish list is for Plants vs Zombies to have the Zen Garden for the iPod Touch. I saw my nephews play with it on the PC version of the game. Sadly, when I first got the game on my iPod, this was a PC-only feature. I've read comments on the Apple Apps Store requesting the same thing.
I've played the game multiple times and collected all the trophies. I was finally getting bored with it until this update revived my love for the game.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Delamar IS The Big Reveal

Well, it's not much about Delamar as much as it's about her condition. Delamar has something baking in oven.

No, she's not a baker. Delamar, for anyone who doesn't know, is the other half of the daily tandem Chico and Delamar of The Morning Rush.

They announced on their show last March 10 that they have a "Big Reveal" they'll announce the next day, March 11. Chico even reported that there were so much stuff speculated that it sent him on a semi-panic attack as seen on his blog post.

In fact, they even made a Top 10 Topic out of it for the first 3 hour of their radio show. Until, 9AM after finishing the last entry, Del announced that she's expecting a little one on the way.

What a sigh of relief it was for me. I thought that they'll announce that they're leaving RX again as they did before. But then, I thought it would be impossible since they have new billboard ads along EDSA about they're show. So, it couldn't be that they're leaving.

It was really a great news that they'll be staying with an addition to the crazy bunch, a little bambino/a.

I just hope the baby doesn't take after Chico's craziness. Otherwise, it would even be a crazier morning.

Congratulations, Del. We are totally looking forward to your little gift.

- The Web Editor

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Down Memory Lane: JobStreet and JobsDB Phils. are down today

One fond memory is when I was planning to move forward and leave my then current company. Although it saddened me to leave the people I've bonded with over the years, there really comes a time when you'll need to spread your wings and fly out the window.

But to my horror, one day (or night) I opened my online resume only to find out that the web site is down. You ought to read on panicked post last April 17,  2008.

 Edited for resubmission: Mar 12, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Down Memory Lane: Chico Garcia finally read my messages on the RX Top 10

Now that we've finally settled into our new home, we'll be posting our old posts from our WordPress.

This one is probably one of my favorites, this is the post when my message was first read in The Morning Rush.

This one is an excerpt of an older post from our old home.

April 18, 2008

I’m was not much of a  morning person. But while I was bored out of my wits one chilly December morning, I accidentally turned the radio on to RX 93.1 and amazingly, I was tuned in to Chico and Del’s Morning Rush.

The topics were really interesting aside from the music, Wednesdays are allotted to older songs. Old enough for us to reminisce. Topics like ‘Top Ten Signs that you’re not so smart‘ and ‘Top Ten Quotes from a non-celebrity‘, make me laugh my heart out.

And for instances that I miss the morning shows, being the sleepyhead that I am, I download the podcast from Blue Ritz's blog. Yes, I know, I can't wake up early even if its for Chico and Del.

I participate every now and then, but it's when Chico finally read my entry that I was really thrilled. It's like getting nominated for an Oscar. I should practice, maybe next time I'll be on the Top 10 as well.

Edited for resubmission: Mar 12, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Web Editor's Notes Now on Blogger.

After years of planning the switch, we've finally managed to take the plans into fruition. The Web Editor's Notes, previously published under WordPress, is now on Blogger.

Now, get to read posts about Chico Garcia and the crazy tandem of The Morning Rush and many inputs direct from the Web Editor himself.

If there's a housewarming party for website, we'll be having it now. For now, let's welcome Web Editor's Notes to its new home.